Many of the government institutions are administered by provincial government solely while several others fall in the federal government’s jurisdiction exclusively. Some of them are managed by the both, concurrently, and police department is one of them. Police is a law enforcing agency and services department simultaneously as it serves both the nation and slate. Federally it is called ‘police services of Pakistan’ and provincially it is identified as ‘Punjab police’ ‘Sindh police’. Such a classification provides convenience to understand the infrastructure of police department. Police has multifarious objects, three salient objects are:-

  1. Prevention of crime.
  2. Enforcement of law and order.
  3. Protection of public and property.

Therefore according to nature of job police is further divided into several sub-heads e.g.

  1. Crime investigation police.
  2. Highway patrolling police.
  3. Traffic police.
  4. Elite police.
  5. District police.
  6. Anti terrorist squads.
  7. Muhafiz squades.
  8. Reserve constabulary

The police personnel’s are divided in two major ranks i.e

Senior ranks

  1. Inspector General (I.G.)
  2. Deputy Inspector General (D.I.G.)
  3. Senior superintendent of police (S.S.P)
  4. Superintendent of police (S.P.)
  5. Assistant / Deputy superintendent of police (A.S.P/D.S.P)

Junior Ranks

  1. Inspector (INSP)
  2. Sub Inspector (S.I)
  3. Assistant Sub Inspector (A.S.I)
  4. Head Constable (H.C)
  5. Constable (CON)

According to the police order 2002, there are three modes to join the police department, for the posts of

  1. Constable ; by departmental recruiting authority
  2. A.S.I / S.I / Inspector ; by Punjab public service commission
  3. A.S.P ; by federal public service commission

For the recruitment of constable an advertisement is published in several newspapers depicting the eligibility and process of recruitment. The format is as under:-
For the post of constable (B.P.S 05)


Age Height Chest Qualification
17 to 25 years

32 to 33 1/2


Process of recruitment
1. Physical test the candidate has to cover the distance of 1.6 km within 6 minutes through long running on a certain date.
2. Written test The candidate has to pass written examination comprised ox M.C.Q and essay
3. Medical examination the candidates has to pass medical examination held in certain D.H.Q
4.Interview The passing candidates will be interviewed by recruity authority.
The successful candidates will be provided offer letters to join the police and after acceptance they will be sent on training for the period of I months. Later on they will join their duties according to the orders of commanding authority.
Guiding principle For the post of constable active and efficient persons are regular practice of body exercise and long running. For the preparation of written examination they should consult the basic Islamiyat, Pak Studies, Urdu, English and general knowledge. The books, in this regard, are available in market.
The recruitment for the post of A.S.I, S.I and Inspectors is held by P.P.S.C. on the behalf of police department. The advertisement format is as under.
For the post of

A-S-I B-P-S 09





Age Height Chest Qualification
A-S-I 18 to 25 years

32 to 33 1/2

S-I 18 to 25 years

32 to 33 1/2

Insp 18 to 28 years

32 to 33 1/2


Process of Recruitment
1. Pre medical examination on certain date to confirm the eligibility of candidate at D.H.Q.
2. Written test One paper comprised on 100 M.C.Q (Pak affairs, Islamiyat, Urdu General knowledge, English)
3. Interview comprised on verbal viva
The passing candidates will be provided offer latter and after acceptance, they will be on training for the period of 1 year. After training they will join their duties as per the requirement of the department.
The allocation for the post of A.S.P is held by F.P.S.C on the behalf of central government. The candidate has to pass the competitive examination for “central superior services” (C.S.S). After qualifying the examination, the candidate will be allocated for the post of A.S.P. by F.P.S.C in police services of Pakistan.

September 3, 2012 | Zia Saqib | 13 Comments | 166 views