
Deforestation Facts with Advantages and Disadvantages
Earth, human beings, small as well as large creatures rely heavily on trees. We have noticed that large number of developing countries carry out deforestation for different purposes. But there is a common perception that deforestation is harmful for our eco-system but the scientist say that it is somewhat... readmore
Mir Hazar Khan Khoso – History of New Caretaker PM of Pakistan
The New caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan is Mir Hazar Khan Khoso. The ruling elite suggested his name for the next caretaker PM together with Dr. Ishrat ul Ibad. Where as the opposition suggested two other names for this post which were not accepted by the Election comission of Pakistan. Mir Hazar... readmore

Political Instability in Pakistan
The territorial issues and border conflicts with India, the socio-economic differences within the country, the struggle for a share of power between the provinces and the early death of the founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah, are some of those realities which not only politicized the policy making... readmore

Ranks, Joining Process And Rules Police Department of Pakistan
Many of the government institutions are administered by provincial government solely while several others fall in the federal government’s jurisdiction exclusively. Some of them are managed by the both, concurrently, and police department is one of them. Police is a law enforcing agency and services... readmore

Women Empowerment in Pakistan
Women constitute more than half of the population of Pakistan but still she is submissive and left behind in many fields by particular policies and mentalities. Despite sacrificial participation of women in the movement of independence, they remained ignored even after the independence of Pakistan.... readmore

Benefits of Floods
The worst flood disaster after 1929 hit Pakistan in last weak of July, 2010. We have also observed that not only in Pakistan but floods have become rampant in some other parts of the world as well. This year in 2012, floods have devastated many areas of Pakistan as well as India. Heavy rains swept... readmore

Drinking Water Issues in Pakistan
Increasing world’s population has lowered the level of ground water alarmingly, particularly in the densely populated part of the world like South Asia, China and Indonesia. The potable water is becoming a short-commodity all over the world. In some regions, even water is more costly than milk. readmore Read More →

Price Hike In Ramadan; Causes and Solution
As soon as the holly month of Ramadan was commenced so the prices of the commodities began to increase. People have hobson’s choice to purchase things on the price, they are forced to pay. The shopkeepers set the price-rate according to their own will and often they sell the products defying the price... readmore

Irrigation Problems in Pakistan
A densely populated agrarian country with one of the best irrigation system but still has backward agricultural milieu, is Pakistan. More than 65% of the population is living on the attachments with agri-based fields or industries. Punjab is the most populated province of Pakistan. Irrigation system... readmore

Factors behind Air Blue Plane Crash In Pakistan
Air blue flight ED202—the most advanced form of jet, equipped with the newest technology—was flying from Karachi to the capital, Islamabad when it collided with a forested hillside amid moon soon rains and low clouds. Air blue said the A 321 single-aisle jet was 10 yeas old and was leased 4 years... readmore