
Ranks, Joining Process And Rules Police Department of Pakistan
Many of the government institutions are administered by provincial government solely while several others fall in the federal government’s jurisdiction exclusively. Some of them are managed by the both, concurrently, and police department is one of them. Police is a law enforcing agency and services... readmore

Reasons of Brain Drain in Pakistan
Reasons of Brain Drain in Pakistan: A global phenomenon is the migration of intellectual man power from less developed countries to more migration is from the third world countries to the European state and USA. The migration to China, Japan and Malaysia is less than Australian continent. readmore Read More →

Child Labour in Pakistan
The child is father of the man. It is the small kid that will control the whole nation in near future. Children are the softest souls, they are flowers, if we force on these then their stems, petals and corolla will be broken and dispersed before they blossom. readmore Read More →

Highest Literacy Rate: Most Educated Countries of the World
Education is the most important sector in any country. The performance of any country can be assessed by the literacy rate of that country. The countries which have highest number of educated people, are the most advanced states in the world. These nations spend a lots of money on educational sector.... readmore

Women Education Pakistan: Causes Of Women Illiteracy
Man is composed of two basic elements i.e nature and nurture. In upbringing process, parents have a major participation in which mother offers an ample share. Thus an educated mother will lay the foundation of healthy civilized family. So we can say that the entire personality of a person is an outcome... readmore

Pakistan Education: Problems And Solutions Of Pakistan Education
Education is considered as the cheapest defence of a nation. But the down trodden condition of education in Pakistan bears an ample testimony of the fact that it is unable to defend its own sector. Though 62 years have been passed and 23 policies and action plans have been introduced yet the educational... readmore