
Languages of Pakistan: Urdu, Punjabi, Pushto, Sindhi, Balochi
Social needs of man inspired him to evolve a systematic communication with the help of language. His anthropological history traveled from ‘hunter gathering stage’ to ‘Nomade Stage’ and non verbal communication was evolved by verbal communication. This was the time when language evolved to support... readmore

Comparison of Indian and Pakistani Forces
Two Germanys, two Koreas and two countries, Pakistan and India have been at brinkmanship since their inception and are always showing saber-ratting. Pakistan and India have been at logger heads over the Kashmir issue since their partition in 14 August, 1947. Both of the countries have similar land, culture... readmore

Conditions of jails in Pakistan
Conditions of jails in Pakistan: International wars on terror have endangered the life of common man very badly every where. Even a suspected that is brought to jail could be tortured the way the authorities and their tenement jails want, more so the so-called “suspected” or “potential” “terrorists”.... readmore

Flood situation in Pakistan
Pakistan’s worst humanitarian crisis is deepening and magnitude of devastation is increasing day by day. Calamity seems to have no willingness to go back in its hide out, and impoverished people have no saber to curb the situation. readmore Read More →

Exports of Pakistan
Major Exports of Pakistan: To earn profit-whether logically or intangibly, is the core objective of each and every entity despite the fact that it is a profit seeking or a non-profit organization. From a sole-proprietor to a multinational firm and from a small private business to a whole government business,... readmore

Reasons of Brain Drain in Pakistan
Reasons of Brain Drain in Pakistan: A global phenomenon is the migration of intellectual man power from less developed countries to more migration is from the third world countries to the European state and USA. The migration to China, Japan and Malaysia is less than Australian continent. readmore Read More →

Child Labour in Pakistan
The child is father of the man. It is the small kid that will control the whole nation in near future. Children are the softest souls, they are flowers, if we force on these then their stems, petals and corolla will be broken and dispersed before they blossom. readmore Read More →

Why US should not stay in Afghanistan
“We will quite the war of choice in Iraq”, said Mr. Obama in his presidential election campaign, “but we will concentrate to win the war of need on Afghanistan”. During a few past months, US officials and Mr. President are assuring the milieu to evacuate the afghan war field before 2010 by starting... readmore

Target killing in Karachi 2010
Fire of target killing has engulfed hundreds of people from every school of thought. Religious figure-heads, political leader and workers, engineers, professors, doctors, bureaucrats, even children of lower middle class have been killed with a target. readmore Read More →
Largest Commercial Bank of Pakistan: Habib Bank
Habib Bank Pakistan is theLargest Commercial Bank Of Pakistan. HBL was the first commercial bank to be established in Pakistan in 1947. Over the years, HBL has grown its branch network and become the largest private sector bank with over 1,450 branches across the country and a customer base exceeding... readmore