Major Exports of Pakistan: To earn profit-whether logically or intangibly, is the core objective of each and every entity despite the fact that it is a profit seeking or a non-profit organization. From a sole-proprietor to a multinational firm and from a small private business to a whole government business, every one wants to sale more than purchase. Other a loss to be battled will be there which if persists, can invoke the same business into a vicious circle of poverty. Pakistan, the 6th most populated country with a 34th position among the biggest economics of the world, is a fertile land of pures. Pakistan, basically is an agrarian society supported to some extent by the industrial one. Pakistan has a good business deals with its partner, but unlocking it imports more than the exports. Exports, moreover, are mostly composed of raw materials instead of manufactured or finished goods.
Pakistan exports lots of different items to a dozen of countries. Following is the list of exports items.
1.    Rice
2.    Cotton
3.    Household furnishings and furniture.
4.    Cotton cloths
5.    Fabrics and Carpets and Rugs
6.    Textile apparel and household furnishings
7.    Sport goods
8.    Camping apparel
9.    Footwear and gears
10.    Toys
11.    Bicycles
12.    Fans
13.    Cook wares
14.    House and garden wares
15.    Leather bags
16.    Chemical
17.    Dates, mangoes, oranges and vegetables
18.    Cement
The major export earning comes from textiles. The share of a few items is composing more than 90% of the total export earning. The country is, still lacking abilities to expand its exports in other section due to which it has to suffered shifts in world demand. Pakistan’s exports increased more than 120% from $7.5 billion to stand at $ 18.3 billions in the span of time elapsed between 1998 and 2008. Total exports, however, feel from $ 21.09 billion in 2008 to $ 17.87 billion in 2009. The total imports also reduced form $ 38.19 to 28.31 billion in the same year. Due to increasing current account defeat, the trade gap range of maximum tariffs was raised from 25% to 25% to the 30% to 35% on 300 luxury items by Pakistan government in 2008-08 budget.
Pakistan exports different items to USA, Japan, China, Afghanistan, Italy and India mainly. The united Arab Emirates is an other partner making the use of Pakistan products. Pakistan export rice and cotton coupled with toys and sports items to many of European and African countries also Pakistani footballs and fringe sport products were satisfying more than 90% of the world till 2004. Because of advanced technology in the sport manufacturing, the share of Pakistani hand-made balls has fallen to 30% of the world cup needs.
Pakistan international trade is suffering from huge amount of deficit due to low demand for its exports. Domestic political instability backed Pak-Afghan war on terror also accounts for trade deficit. The water scarcity particularly for Agri-use is also another nail in the coffin of Pakistani exports. The textile sector because of low yield of agri-products and energy crisis has been perished since that act of shutting the reserviours of water by India.
The monsoon flood, currentely, has also impacted the agricultural products yield adversely in over the whole of the country. The next year is also seems dark in terms of international trade.

Questions related to this article:
Major exports of Pakistan
Major export products of Pakistan

Pakistan exports lots of different items
August 7, 2010 | Adnan Khan | 1 Comment | 769 views