The most populated country in the world is China and its population growth rate is 0.655% per year. Here is the list of top ten countries of the world with highest population and estimated population in 2010. 

No. Country Population 2011 Population 2012
1. China
2. India 1,166,079,217 1,184,130,123
3. United States 307,212,123 310,207,441
4. Indonesia 240,271,522 243,001,006
5. Brazil 198,739,269 201,122,152
6. Pakistan 176,242,949 179,674,399
7. Bangladesh 156,050,883 158,067,060
8. Nigeria 149,229,090 152,198,748
9. Russia 140,041,247 139,387,254
10. Japan 127,078,679 126,835,958
December 25, 2009 | Mohsin Ali | 10 Comments | 796 views