Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Onerous?

  • Onerous
  • General Meaning Burdensome, Inconvenient, Herculean
    Usage This is an adjective and it means needing great effort to do some difficult task. It can also be described as something causing trouble or worry.
  • Antonym 1 Easy
    Meaning 1 Hard
    Sentence 1 David founds his new job quite onerous.
  • Antonym 2 Effortless
    Meaning 2 Difficult
    Sentence 2 Handling security in a war-torn area can be an onerous job.
  • Antonym 3 Light
    Meaning 3 Heavy
    Sentence 3 Taking care of the baby is an onerous task.


April 21, 2011 | Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 400 views