Antonyms of Ameliorate | Opposite Word of Ameliorate
Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Ameliorate? Ameliorate General Meaning To make progress, To upgrade skills in some domain Usage Ameliorate can specifically be used to show current progress in some project or something. Antonym 1 Deteriorate Meaning 1 To become better from previous... readmore
Antonyms of Sceptical | Opposite Word of Sceptical
Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Sceptical? Sceptical General Meaning To doubt about something or someone, To doubt about the position of something Usage Sceptical is used specifically in the negative situation where somebody is lacking the trust in something. It is not used in the positive... readmore
Antonyms of Seethe | Opposite Word of Seethe
Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Seethe? Seethe General Meaning Extremely excited or frustrated about something Usage Seethe can be used in such circumstances where a person is extremely happy or angry about something or someone. Antonym 1 Calm, Cool Meaning 1 To show extreme... readmore
Antonyms of Scold | Opposite Word of Scold
Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Scold? Scold General Meaning To harshly criticize or lashing about something, to show complete dissatisfaction about something or someone Usage Scold can be used in such circumstances where a person is not happy about something or someone. It cannot be... readmore
Antonyms of Salvage | Opposite Word of Salvage
Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Salvage? Salvage General Meaning To retrieve, to reclaim, to recover Usage This typical word can be used to show the retrieval or rescue of something like rescuing of passengers from sinking ship. Antonym 1 Destruction Meaning 1 To rescue something... readmore
Antonyms of Sage | Opposite Word of Sage
Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Sage? Sage General Meaning Wisdom, Thinker, Philosopher Usage Sage is used as a noun for a wise person and it is also used as an adjective for a process or decision which is marked by Wisdom or Calm judgement. The word is also used in positive situations. Antonym... readmore

Antonyms of Sagacious | Opposite Word of Sagacious
Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Sagacious? Sagacious General Meaning Knowledgeable, Sharp, Intelligent, Sage Usage Sagacious is used as an adjective in such circumstances where a person is showing keen judgment or farsightedness. Antonym 1 Foolish Meaning 1 Thoughtful Sentence... readmore
Antonyms of Ruthless | Opposite Word of Ruthless
Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Ruthless? Ruthless General Meaning Cold-hearted, Unmerciful, Cruel Usage Ruthless is used as an adjective in such situation or circumstances where a person is showing cruel attitude or behavior. Antonym 1 Merciful, Kind-hearted Meaning 1 Unsympathetic Sentence... readmore
Antonyms of Rugged | Opposite Word of Rugged
Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Rugged? Rugged General Meaning Irregular, Bumpy, Rough Usage This adjective can typically be used in circumstances in which some object or something have an irregular or uneven surface. Antonym 1 Delicate Meaning 1 Uneven Sentence 1 1. You... readmore
Antonyms of Robust | Opposite Word of Robust
Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Robust? Robust General Meaning Durable, Tough, Long-lasting Usage This adjective can be used to show strength or durability of some object or something. Antonym 1 Fragile Meaning 1 Well-made Sentence 1 1. For the big factories, robust equipment... readmore