Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Lethal?

  • Lethal
  • General Meaning Fatal, Mortal, Dangerous, Life-threatening
    Usage This is an adjective and it means capable of causing death or harm to somebody. It can also be expressed in another way as something or somebody that is extremely dangerous or devastating.
  • Antonym 1 Harmless
    Meaning 1 Venomous
    Sentence 1 Atom Bomb can widely be regarded as the most lethal weapon in modern warfare.
  • Antonym 2 Nonfatal
    Meaning 2 Disastrous
    Sentence 2 Amnesty International condemned the death of six people by a lethal weapon used by the terrorists.
  • Antonym 3 Nontoxic
    Meaning 3 Toxic
    Sentence 3 The Inland Taipan claims the title of the most lethal snake in the world.


April 21, 2011 | Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 701 views