Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Lenient?

  • Lenient
  • General Meaning Merciful, Tolerant, Compassionate, Magnanimous
    Usage This is an adjective and used specifically for a person who is not as strict as expected when punishing somebody. It can also be elaborated as inclined not to be harsh in unfavorable circumstances.
  • Antonym 1 Arrogant
    Meaning 1 Kind
    Sentence 1 Tom is a very lucky because his father is very lenient when it comes to punishment.
  • Antonym 2 Merciless
    Meaning 2 Gentle
    Sentence 2 The President refused the leniency request of a death-awaiting prisoner, and signed his death warrants.
  • Antonym 3 Brutal
    Meaning 3 Sympathetic
    Sentence 3 Our new math teacher was very lenient while marking our papers.


April 21, 2011 | Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 374 views