Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Fraternity?

  • Fraternity
  • General Meaning Fellowship, Kinship, Brotherhood, Companionship
    Usage As a noun, the word “fraternity” denotes a group or association of people who share a common cause or interest.
  • Antonym 1 Enmity
    Meaning 1 Companionship
    Sentence 1 All the members of the religious fraternity have been invited to the event.
  • Antonym 2 Strangeness
    Meaning 2 Fellowship
    Sentence 2 We should promote the ideals of equality, liberty and fraternity among the people.
  • Antonym 3 Antagonism
    Meaning 3 Kinship
    Sentence 3 The medical fraternity is trying to explore the deepest recesses of human mind.


April 19, 2011 | Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 740 views