• Coarse
  • General Meaning Rough, Rude, Offense, Crude, Unrefined
    Usage The word “coarse” is used as an adjective to describe a surface that is rough or uneven. It may also refer to the offensive behavior of an individual.
  • Antonym 1 Smooth
    Meaning 1 Rough
    Sentence 1 His rough hands show that he has to do a lot of manual work.
  • Antonym 2 Fine
    Meaning 2 Unsmooth
    Sentence 2 She is allergic to this coarse linen shirt.
  • Antonym 3 Refined
    Meaning 3 Vulgar
    Sentence 3 People dislike Catherine due to her coarse manners.


April 15, 2011 | Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 26 views