Which is the biggest desert in the world?
That might sound an astonishingly large size, but that’s based on the authorized meaning of a desert. Deserts are the area on Earth that faces a shortfall of precipitation over the period of one year. In other words, they can experience a shortfall of water in a year. To measure it we can say that a desert is an area which has less than 250 millimeters of annual rainfall. Using this criterion, the continent of Antarctica is the biggest desert in the world as it receives less than 51mm of rainfall every year and has little or no plant life.
The biggest desert on the globe is the Sahara, in North Africa, which expanses on an area of almost 3.5 M square miles. The United States of America which is encompassed with 50 states could easily fit in this desert. Its distance is more than 3000 miles across Africa, starting from the Atlantic Ocean and ending at the Red Sea. It is also surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea on the north while it stretches down to central Africa, about 1200 miles south.
The Sahara is what the majority people imagine when they think of a desert. It is the world’s biggest hot climate desert. Some of the sand dunes are 180 m in height. Disparate Antarctica, The Sahara region is heavily inhabited. It is home to a number of people and languages. Arabic is the widely spoken language throughout this desert.

Sahara Desert In Africa