United States has the most cinemas in the world. The number of cinemas existing in United States are about 13, 500. Different entertainment houses own these movie theaters chains in different states of America. Largest chains of various entertainment houses include the names like AMCInc., Carmike cinemas, Rave Motion Pictures etc. The first public motion picture show was arranged at Koster and Bial’s Music Hall on 23 April, 1896.

America’s largest chain is Regal Entertainment group, which owns 525 cinemas spread in 39 states of the country. This group has acquired cinemas from other business houses through consolidation. United Artist Theater, Edward Theaters and Eastern Federal Theater are some consolidated cinemas of Regal Group. Second largest chain of cinemas is found in North America that is having 304 theaters compiling 4, 437 screens. 276 cinemas belong to Carmike Cinemas, which is calculated as 4th largest entertainment house. 6th largest cinema chain is National Amusement and it includes many theaters like The Bridge Cinema, De Lux, Multiplex and among these theaters De Lux has 1500 screens throughout the states.

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April 1, 2011 | Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 71 views