The longest river in the world by area is the Nile which is also the longest river of Africa. Other top nine rivers are given here.

No. River Location Length In Kilometers/Miles
1. Nile Tanzania-Uganda-Sudan-Egypt 6670/4145
2. Amazon Peru-Brazil 6448/4007
3. Yangtze-Kiang China 6300/3915
4. Mississippi-Missouri USA 5971/3710
5. Yenisey-Angara Mangolia-Russia 5540/3442
6. Huang Hu- Yellow River China 5464/3395
7. Ob-Irtysh Mangolia-Kazakhstan-Russia 5410/3362
8. Congo Angola-Demo. Republic Of Congo 4700/2920
9. Lena-Kirenga Russia 4400/2734
10. Mekong Tibet-China-Burma-Laos-Vietnam 4350/2703
Longest River In The World

Longest River In The World

December 20, 2009 | Jibran Jamshed | 1 Comment | 510 views