Sun Sun is the largest body of mass in the solar system. Its diameter is 1,392,140 kilometers (865,036 in miles). It is visible with naked eye. It is also the major source of energy in the solar system.
Jupiter Pictures Jupiter is the secong largest body of mass in the solar system. Its diameter is 142,894 kilometers (or 88,846 miles). It is also visible with naked eye.
Saturn Solar System Pictures Saturn is the third largest or heaviest body in the solar system. Its diameter is 120,536 kilometers (or 74,898 miles). It has beautiful rings around it.
Uranus is the fourth largest or heaviest body in the solar system. Its diameter is 51,118 kilometers (or 31,763 miles). It looks greenish blue.
Neptune High Resolution Picture Neptune is the fifth largest or heaviest body in the solar system. Its diameter is 49,532 kilometers (or 30,778 miles). It looks blue so it is called blue planet of solar system.
Earth Solar System Earth is the sixth heaviest planet of the solar system with 12,756 kilometer (or 7,926 miles)  diameter. It is the most beautiful or versatile planet of the solar system.  The presence of humanity is the proof of life on the earth.
Venus Venus is the seventh largest or heaviest body in the solar system after the earth. Its diameter is 12,103 kilometers (or 7,520 iles). It is the second closest planet to the sun. It is often called morning star.
Mars Photos Mars is the eighth largest or heaviest body or planet  in the solar system. Its diameter is 6,794 kilometers (or 4,222 miles). It looks red that is why known as “The Red Planet”.
Ganymede Ganymede is the ninth largest or heaviest body in the solar system. Its diameter is 5,269 kilometers (or 3,274 miles).
Titan Amazing Picture Titan is the tenth largest or heaviest body in the solar system. Its diameter is 5,150 kilometers (or 3,200 miles).
December 22, 2009 | Mohsin Ali | 1 Comment | 392 views