Newzealand press association is an official news agency initiated by the Newzealand Government in 1879. The agency has remained the largest and most authentic news source for more than a century. At the outset, it was named United Press Association but later was changed to NZPA in 1942. The company dispersed in 2011 and discontinued functioning on 31 August 2011. After official closing of the firm it was segmented in to three different categories

  1. APNZ owned by APN news and media
  2. Otago daily times and publications
  3. FairFax print media Newzealand

These three different firms were joint production adventure of Australian Associated press in 2011. After their launch in 2011, they were the largest source of news in the country. NZPA being the biggest has a vast network of news distribution, publishing more than fifty newspapers and websites. All the daily and Sunday newspapers are launched under its constant supervision. Famous newspapers of this firm include Ashburton Guardain. The Gissbone Herald is read throughout the Newzealand. Besides the print media, they have their own broadcasting network and news channels.

March 4, 2011 | einfoadmin | No Comments | 142 views