ANSA (Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata) is the news agency of Italy having its head office in Rome (capital of Italy). The organization was founded on January 15, 1945. Three important runs its organizational set up post including the President, Editor in chief and Director General. ANSA has been working very impressively for more than last 65 years for having a purpose of delivering true and reliable news reporting throughout the world.

ANSA is responsible for the coverage of all news of national and international importance and different events like sports, festivals and other cultural celebrations. This news agency has one of largest network of communication among all the other news agencies having its 22 offices in Italy and foreign news resources in more than eighty cities of seventy-four counties. It has provided a whole coverage and it has targeted all the print and electronic media throughout the country. Within the latest village of communication, ANSA has not limited its services to TV and Radio only provided its service at satellite, cell phone and web. On average record more than 2000, news articles are distributed along the country. ANSA has also introduced photo distribution and video sharing along web.

March 3, 2011 | einfoadmin | No Comments | 207 views