Tanjug is the news agency of Serbia which is based in Belgrade and was established in 5th November, 1943. TANJUG stands for “Telegrafska agencija Nove Jugoslavije”. It is a state-owned organization and all the rules and regulations are controlled by government officials. TANJUG has experienced numerous phases of change during its life span; at the outset they used to conduct their business with outdated technology, few typewriters and small radio transmitters. Widespread use of new technology by other contemporary companies made Tanjug’s subsistence more challenging and competitive. The first challenging task of the organization was to inform the world about latest events. 48 correspondents of this organization are currently working world wide. It has now placed itself among the top 10 news agencies of the world. They broadcast almost 100 photographs, 400 different sorts of information regarding economy, politics, culture and sports and updates within their country and abroad as well as audio/video recordings every day. Almost 3.5 million photographs have been published from the 2nd World War until now and most of them are with strong historic backgrounds. It also offers the news analysis and discussion forums in the electronic form by leading media of the world. They publish the newspaper in Serbo-Croatian and English languages.

March 5, 2011 | einfoadmin | No Comments | 220 views