Al-Beruni is the writer of “Tahqiq-i-Hind”. Al-Beruni known as Alberonius in Latin, was a Persian Muslim scholar and polymath of the 11th century. Al-Beruni had an interest in various practical and scholarly fields that relate to what nowadays is described as physics, anthropology, comparative sociology, astronomy, astrology, chemistry, history, geography, mathematics, medicine, psychology, philosophy, and theology. He was the first Muslim scholar to study India and the Brahminical tradition.

The complete title of this book was “Taḥqīq mā li-l-hind min maqūlah maqbūlah fī al-ʿaql aw mardhūlah ” which means “Verifying All That the Indians Recount, the Reasonable and the Unreasonable”. He visited India in his life and wrote about the cultural and religious values of the Indians in this book.

March 14, 2011 | Imran Jutt | No Comments | 612 views