What is the size of Sahara Desert?
The size of Sahara Desert is 9,400, 000 sq kilometers. Sahara desert is the world largest hot desert and in terms of area it comes on third number, first two are Antarctica and Arctic. Normally the people think that desert is a land on the earth where sand looks everywhere but Antartica and Acrtic deserts are the places on earth where you will see snow everywhere. In actual, deserts are the places on earth which get least amount of rain. Sahara Desert is 4800 km long and 1800 km wide. Its area starts from Atlantic Ocean that is on its west, on north side there is Mediterranean Sea and Atlas Mountains, Red Sea is located on its east and on the south it has Niger River.
Sahara is known as Africa’s largest desert, where wildlife used to exist in past but now due to lack of vegetation and high temperature, most of its parts do not support life. There are some areas that do have life including some regions like Nile Valley, where some plants grow. Due to shift in earth’s axis the climate of Sahara becomes very hot and cold at the same time with the temperature swinging from 58 to -5 ° Celsius.
Sahara altogether posses a variety of cultural touches because of its large area and it cover portions of Egypt, Sudan, Niger and a part of Morocco. Its novelty is the attraction for majority of the tourists. They visit Sahara for adventurous activities and to have desert fun.

Sahara Desert