Pakistan Press International (PPI) is the news agency of Pakistan and it was established in 1956. PPI is considered to be the main source of broadcasting news information in Pakistan. The headquarter of this news agency is located in Karachi with many coordinating offices throughout the country including Islamabad, Multan, Lahore, Peshawar, Azad Kashmir, Hyderabad and Quetta. All of these offices are interlinked through an extensive and advanced networking system. More than 300 professionals are working in the organization.

PPI is a non-profit private organization. They do not provide any monetary compensation to non working members and the dividend is not distributed among shareholders. Proper utilization of their resources has helped them grow rapidly. For a long time, PPI was the only source of political news to the media of Pakistan. Their central focus was on the political news, apart from that they were covering economical, social, cultural and sports news. They usually broadcast their programs replete with socio-cultural issues like human rights, literacy, family planning, women’s issues etc especially to benefit the rural population substantially.

Through many programs, they encourage awareness among youths, informing them about the harmful effects of drugs and tobacco smoking. PPI has always provided on-job training to their new journalists. Almost one-third of all the journalists currently working in Pakistan have had their primary trainings from PPI. All the major newspapers, TV and radio stations are subscribed to PPI’s services. From 25 different radio stations about 10 news bulletins are broadcast daily.

March 4, 2011 | einfoadmin | No Comments | 620 views