The Parliament of Spain is known as Cortes Generales which includes two chambers that are Senate and Congress of Deputies. The members of Congress are elected by the common people and members of Senate are partially elected and partially are appointed by some legislatives for the time period of four years. This kind of Parliament was established in the Constitution of 1978 and it is still working.
The members of Parliament amend the constitution, make budgets, control all the actions of Government, accept and reject the resolutions for the welfare of country and its citizens. They must work according to the Constitution. All the members have to maintain discipline in front of the Speaker or Bureau of the House. And they cannot get arrested in this four year term, until or unless the Standing orders of the Speaker or Bureau of House are issued. They have to perform their duties properly and receive salary and other benefits for their work.
In recent Parliament there are 350 members of Congress of Deputies and 266 members of Senate. The people of Spain are right now upset with them because economically the markets of Spain are going down, and people are in big distress so they are protesting against their Parliament.

April 11, 2011 | Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 810 views