The Republic of Albania is a country situated in the Southeastern region of Europe. It gained recognition as an independent state in 1913.  The parliament of Albania is known as “Kuvendi i Shqiperise” where “Kuvendi” means parliament. Kuvendi Shiqiperise consists of 140 members serving for a term of four years. The current chairman and speaker of the parliament (in 2012) is Jozephina Topalli, serving since 3rd September 2005. It is a unicameral parliament which means that it has a single legislative chamber/house. The laws which Kuvendi i Shiqiperise passes are published in the official journal of the Republic of Albania: the Albanian Official Journal.

The earliest legislative constitution of Albania was formed in November 1912 which remained till the next two years. After that, in 1914, the administration of Albania suggested the formation of a National Assembly which would have the legislative authority of the country. The first parliament of the Republic of Albania was formed six years later in 1920 which consisted of 37 members. Gradually, the parliament evolved and in 1925 the country was given the status of a “Parliamentary Republic” with Ahmet Zog elected as the head of the state. During the years that followed, the Albanian parliament saw several changes. The form of the parliament that exists today was finally created in 1991.

April 9, 2011 | Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 494 views