PAP is the press agency of Poland, established in 1918 and owned by Polska Agencja Prasowa S.A. Initially it was known as the Polish telegraphic Agency (PTA). During the rule of communism in Poland the communists took over the control of this organization, under the same name. PTA was then formally working under the supervision of government and considered as a government entity. After the fall of communism in 1990, the company ceased its operation. PTA was restored in 1991 and had a merger with PAP. Even after the merger it was owned by the government of Poland. And all the members of the Supervisory board were elected by the minister of the treasury.

PAP is considered to be the primary source of authentic news information in the country.  They have some most basic concerns and have proper team for them i.e. political, economic, social, foreign, English language services and civilization services. The team work hard to provide authentic and latest information which is used both by domestic and foreign subscribers. They also provide an online news portal to their users worldwide. Locally PAP has almost 20 offices and more than 50 journalists. Internationally they have a lot of offices and almost 50 of their photographers are working in the world.

March 4, 2011 | einfoadmin | No Comments | 280 views