Public holidays of Pakistan are counted as 16 out of which 9 are national and 7 are religious. Holidays are announced to revive the memories of important incidents of the country and to keep the religious norms alive in the hearts of people. These holidays are announced by the government and any institution cannot refuse to follow the directions of state. However, some grocery convenience stores in Pakistan remain open on these events because they deal in basic products that require day-to-day consumption. Following are the details of official holidays of Pakistan, which are divided into two sections i.e. national holidays of Pakistan and Islamic holidays of Pakistan.

National Holidays of Pakistan

These holidays are given to public to celebrate the important events in Pakistan. Details of each event are as follows.

February 5—Kashmir Solidarity Day:

On this day, a protest against the Indian occupation over Kashmir is recorded by the public and private institutions. The sacrifices of the Kashmiri people are worth mentioning because they have suffered a lot with patience because of the arrogance of Indian army. Therefore, this day is celebrated to show solidarity with the occupied Kashmir.

March 23—Pakistan Resolution Day:

Pakistan resolution day is celebrated on 23rd of March each year. It commemorates the Pakistan resolution that was passed at Lahore in 1940. This day contributed as defining the actual struggle for demanding the proposed Muslim state and a reason of which, today people of Pakistan are living freely in Pakistan. That is why this event is celebrated with great enthusiasm and passion.

May 1—Labor Day:

Labor Day is celebrated on May 1 every year. This is not only a national holiday but because it is celebrated throughout the world for the rights of labor and across the country as well it can be counted as one.

July 1stBank Holiday:

All banks take a break from their working on 1st July because the staff have to carry out the intense work of closing all matters at June 30, which is the end of a financial period in Pakistan. Therefore, all banks are closed at this day, marking the initiation of the new financial year.

August 14—Independence Day of Pakistan:

Pakistan gained an independence status at August 14, 1947. This day is commemorated every year with full passion and extreme love. Lot of seminars and gatherings are held at various places and speeches are made to memorize the independent events. Children decorate their houses and flags of Pakistan are raised at every house.

September 6—Defense day of Pakistan:

Pakistanis celebrate defense day in Pakistan at September 6 of every year. It was the official start of 1965 war between India and Pakistan and Pakistan defeated India in spite of having less defensive weapons. That is why the people of Pakistan celebrate this important occasion for paying their regard to the armed forces of the country.

September 21—Love for Muhammad S.A.W Day:

September 21 is a recently announced public holiday in Pakistan. On this day, protests are officially recorded for the international community against the blasphemous video recording in which several non-Muslims had ridiculed the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (S.A.W). This day is officially the Love for Muhammad (S.A.W) day and is a public holiday across Pakistan.

November 9—Iqbal Day:

The anniversary of birthday of the national poet of Pakistan, Allama Dr. Muhammad Iqbal is celebrated on November 9 every year. He was a national hero and put a real passion in the hearts of Muslims of Indian sub continent to advocate for a separate country.
December 25—Youm-e-Viladat-e-Quaid-e-Azam:

The Founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on December 25, 1876. This birth anniversary of father of the country is celebrated with all-respect and honor in Pakistan every year.

December 31—Bank Holiday:

December 31 is also a holiday for banking institutions. This date is also the closing date of the mid of financial period and they have to complete all tasks before this date. However, this is only celebrated by the bankers and general institutions are open at this event.

Islamic Holidays of Pakistan

Some religious events are also celebrated in Pakistan due to their relative significance and importance. These events are celebrated on Islamic dates, which are unique from the Georgian calendar and are announced according to the Hijri Calendar. Details of each event are as follows.

9th and 10th Muharram—Ashura:

9th and 10th Muharram marks the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A). Therefore, this day is a public holiday throughout the country.

12 Rabi-ul-Awwal—Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi:

12 Rabi-ul-Awwal marks the anniversary of birth of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W). Lot of religious gatherings is made and Muslims worships in Masajid all the night to commemorate this important event of Islam.

First, Second and Third Shawal—Eid-ul-Fitr:

Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated at first, second and third of Shawal (an Islamic month) after all Muslims have kept fasts for the whole month of Ramadan. This event is celebrated each year with lot of happiness and Allah blesses His beloved people at this day.

10 and 11 Dhul Hajja—Eid-ul-Adha:

This date is celebrated for Hazrat Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son before Allah.  The symbolic slaughter of a sheep or goat is the main ritual of this event. Eid ul Adha is observed on this occasion throughout the country. Lot of feasts and gatherings are made on this date to celebrate this second Eid of Muslims.

July 29, 2010 | Mohsin Ali | 1 Comment | 379 views