Manchester seaport was located in North West England. The date it was opened was 1st January, 1894 and after four months of this port, Manchester Ship Canal was officially opened. The port underwent a lot of modifications and extensions and one time it was the third busiest port of UK. Though the seaport is no more, the Ship Canal is still there which extends 58km to west side of Eastham and east of the Manchester. It was the Ship Canal, which converted the big and land locked city of Manchester into a busy port. It also engaged the port of Liverpool from 18km to the west and absorbed the Port of Runcom into it.

Manchester seaport cooperated with the port of Liverpool to offer a wide range of facilities as more than 40 million tons of cargo shipped in a year on both these ports. There was a time when both of these ports were the extreme rivals of each other but later these became to be called as “Peel Ports” and are considered the second largest port groups in United Kingdom.

The increase in size of shipping vessels resulted in the demise of this port leaving the canal ot become a tourist attraction. One key issue with this canal is that it faces a problem of drainage of storm water and the Port Advisory Committee is considering as how to tackle with this problem. Still, it is operating at its best level to accommodate up to 120,000 industrial and commercial organizations. It is also providing lots of economic means to the residents of local areas.

Manchester Seaport

March 24, 2011 | Imran Jutt | No Comments | 7 views