Main Agents of Soil Erosion
Soil erosion is the process, which involves the removal of the top most fertile layer of the soil. There are different agents involved in soil erosion. Soil erosion is degradation of the soil, and it takes place in almost every part of the world at all levels.
During previous century, upper layer of the soil is continuously removed. Scientist believe that worlds 18% of the soil upper layer has been wasted due to soil erosion. It is now happening at a very fast rate due to natural and other agents.
Natural agents, which are major cause of concern, are the wind and water. Water in the form of rain and flood and run off badly affects the soil. Soil is in fact a composite of heavy and light particles. The light particles of soil are sand, silt and clay. When the rainfalls along the mountains and bare soil, the water dissolve the lighter particles of the soil, it takes away silt and clay. Similarly, when wind blows in storms its speed is so high that it lifts off the entire soil upper layer and cause soil erosion.
Other factors that are causing soil erosion are man and animal activities. Vegetation is the natural cover of soil when the animals continuously graze in the pastures the vegetation is eliminated due to their walking and grazing. Bare land lefts behind which are easily affected by soil erosion. Manual activities of humans like forest cutting, increased agriculture, and clearing of land for different purpose are the other agents that cause erosion of the soil.

Soil Erosion