Longest Coastline Of Pakistan is Balochistan coastline which is 771 kms long while the total length of the coastal areas of Pakistan is about 1100 km. The coastal areas of Pakistan are in the province of Sindh and Balochistan. These coastal areas are on the shore of Arabian sea and it connects Pakistan with other countries of the world through a sea route. Gawadar and Karachi are two prominent ports on these coastal areas of Pakisan. The city of Gawadar is developing very sharply because of the seaport. Gwadar is a district along the sea in south of the Makran. The coastline of Gwadar District is about 600 Kilometers long. Gawadar port can become a trade hub for all the neighbouring land locked central Asian countries of Pakistan.

July 31, 2010 | Mohsin Ali | 6 Comments | 846 views