LETA is the news agency of Republic of Latvia, a country located in Eastern Europe. The initial name of the agency was Laptopress when it was formed, back in 1919. However, after one year the firm was renamed as LETA. The new name was given when the company started its telegraph service.

There has been constant rise and fall in the history of this agency. During the two world wars after occupation of Russia and Nazi Germany, it was renamed many times and worked as subordinates of TASS and DNB Germany until its independence from Russia. The original name of company was also reverted on 31 may 1990.  After its proper restoration the department has been well established and working until today. The agency has major focus on both print and electronic media. Print media include more than 244 newspapers and magazines. Baltic Times, Latvia news and city paper are most popular newspapers. There are twenty dailies and twelve of them are published in Russian, which is the major language of the country. The electronic media involves radio and television broad casting sector. LETA has owned more than 29 channels, with such big network it covers all events of national and international interest.

March 3, 2011 | einfoadmin | No Comments | 203 views