Soil acidity is major problem of agriculture and reclamation of acidic soils is required to increase agricultural productivity. Due to excessive cropping, addition of chemical fertilizers and pesticides usage, soil becomes contaminated with different chemical elements. These chemical elements make soil reactive to other matter resulting in decrease or overall death of crop plants. Soil PH is a parameter to classify the soil. For better crop productivity, soil should have neutral PH. If amount of chemical elements like Aluminum-Al, Iron-Fe, and Hydrogen-H increase up to a certain level the soil is said to have become acidic. Most of acidic soil has increased amount of hydrogen ion concentration, which is very harmful for the growth of plants. Plants cannot obtain essential elements and minerals from soil and their metabolic activities are disturbed.

To treat such acidic soils lime is used as an effective remedy. Different forms of lime are available, which are used for soil reclamation. Limestone or calcium carbonate CaCO3 is the cheapest and most affordable source of lime. Calcium oxide CaO is a white powdery material but it is harmful and dangerous to handle. Slaked lime or limewater or Calcium hydro oxide Ca (OH)2 is prepared by adding water. It is an effective way to use, as it is non-reactive. Other sources of addition of lime to soil are Slag (bi product of steel and iron), calcium ores and raw residues of paper mills.

March 5, 2011 | Talib Akhtar | No Comments | 807 views