Foreign Policy of Pakistan in 2010
In modern times no state can avoid its participation in International arena. Every state have to proceed with certain policies and these policies are discussed in foreign policy of the state.
Pakistan, after passing 62 years, is unable to compose a perfect foreign policy. Since the inception of Pakistan, the foreign policy of the state has been revolving around the ambitions of India. Pakistan signed many pacts with U.S.A to increase her power to tackle Indian hegemony in the region. Additionally, she tasted the conditional friendship of U.S.A and made a bond with time-tested friend, China. The relations with Muslim states remained constant whereas Pakistan kept on acquiring the membership of many regional organizations.The current democratic regime of Pakistan is carrying hopes of the masses for the better future. Thus the foreign policy should not clash with the sentiments of masses. The government of Pakistan should keep it in mind that every country, great or small, is supposed to keep its national interest supreme over its international relationship. In 2010 Pakistan should ponder on following issues.
1-    She should balance national interest with public sentiments.
2-    She should enhance strategic and pragmatic ties with China.
3-    A dignified peace with India should be ensured.
4-    Pakistan must adopt an external agenda especially driven out by economic interests.
5-    She should play positive role in the matters of Muslim world.

“It is impossible to make an over night change in the foreign policy as it is made on the bases of long term strategic interests by keeping in view the regional and global conditions.”

Foreign Minister of Pakistan Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

The foreign policy of Pakistan is dominated by single issue of terrorism, and Pakistan has faced its grave consequences especially on domestic level. The war waged in northern areas and the pay role of Pakistan as or front line ally in U.S.A-so called Global War on Terror- does not match with public aspirations. Now the democratic government should untie this knot by paying greater emphasis on public opinion and by enhancing parliamentary input and allowing foreign policy to play its due role in decision making and implementation.
Pakistan should adopt a new approach in addressing the core issues. By realizing that economy is the back bone of every state, she must focus on economic initiatives. Inspite of having dependent economy, policies should be projected for stable economy. This would broke the shackles of IMF with strict conditions that are hurdling the economic progress of the state. Moreover, Pakistan must seek to stand firmly for her demand. The dignity of any institution must not be disgraced at any cost. Less importance should be given to terrorism either efforts must be done to eradicate this effect by meeting its causes with prudent attitude and not by using military against your own people. Exercising force should be the last resort and government must try to negotiate first. Glaringly, less emphasize on W.O.T means to devote sufficient time and energy to deal with other core areas of foreign policy. Pakistan must realize that U.S.A never proved to be a good friend off and on and kept on placing Pakistan outside from the basket of sunshine into the wintry isolation.
In the context of china, the need of Pakistan is to be pragmatic and ensure the safety of Chinese interests in Pakistan. China can give boost to Pakistani economy by investing billion of dollars in important sectors. This will also help in overcoming acute energy crisis by importing Chinese technology for energy generation. China has not been using veto power in security council for Pakistan since many years. She is also improving economic ties with India. Pakistan should sort out problems with China and enhanced Free Trade Agreement.
As far as India is concerned, Pakistan should not go for any adventure. The problems should be solved by mediation and in a cordial way by understanding the need of the time. Additionally a flexible attitude must be shown by two states in solving the Kashmir dispute as it is bone of contention between the two. Moreover, economic ties should be knotted between two states by enhacing trade. CBM’s must continue in different sectors. The role of embassies is very prominent and compulsory. Embassies should enhance the cultural ties, tolerance and friendly attitude of both nations towards each other.
Pakistan is having a strong geopolitical situation in the world. Because of her wrong foreign policies ,she is the only most fenced state of the world. Pakistan must enhance friendly relations with her neighbours like Afghanistan and Iran. These states have direct influence on the people of Pakistan and her economy. Pakistan can become an economic hub by joining India with Afghanistan and Iran, China with Central Asian republics and Central Asian states with the rest of the world through Gawadar port.
In the end, i want to say a word about the role of media, intelligentia and NGO’s of Pakistan. These are cosidered important players in any country so they should project a positive image of Pakistan. They should not criticize for the sake of criticize but for the sake of development.  Improving the depopularising image of Pakistan,  is the crying need of the country.

January 21, 2010 | Iram Saleemi | 2 Comments | 168 views