Rhea is the largest bird in the continent of America and belongs to ‘ratites’ i.e. group of flightless birds because the absence of breast bone which are connected with flying muscles in flying birds. However, Rhea is not closely resembles with other members present in this group like kiwi’s, emu, cassowaries and ostrich. Its plumage is grey-brown and has dark patches on upper back and neck, around the abdomen and thighs there are white feathers. A black ring appears at the neck during the days of breeding. Legs are grey and powerful combine with strong toes that is helpful in quick running. Its sound is like mammal’s roar not resembles with any bird voice.

Types of Rheas

Two types of Rhea are there i.e. common or greater rhea and Darwin’s or lesser rhea. The greater one is 1.5 meter (5 feet) in height and has weight of 25 kg (55 lbs) while the lesser one is 0.91 meter (3 feet) in height and has weight of 10 kg (22 pounds).

Reproduction of Rheas

Female is less grey, smaller and light dark patch on back and neck as compared to male. When a new baby born, it’s in grey color and has stripes on body. They gather up in a group of 30 birds. Male produce a loud voice in breeding season and for females they fight with other males. Each male has two or more than two females and together they put 12 eggs in the nest.

Lifespan of Rheas

The maximum age is 15 years and it live in South –East and East of America. They eat almost all things like seeds, fruits, plants, birds, lizards, insects and other small birds.

Rhea Bird

March 22, 2011 | Imran Jutt | No Comments | 371 views