Eucalyptus Facts:

Eucalyptus is the fastest growing tree in the world. This species of trees contains 700 types of plants which are mostly found in the continent of Australia. There are only 15 types this family which are found outside Australia. These fastest growing trees can grow upto the height of 60 meters. As the tallest trees in the world are of a height of 112 meters so Eucalyptus cannot be called as the tallest tree in the world. Other than the Australia, these trees can also be seen in New Guinea, Indonesia, Philippines and Taiwan.

Benefits of Eucalyptus:

For certain agricultural purposes, Eucalyptus are very beneficial. People around the world use this tree species for the fastest growing sources of wood. Few types of this species are used for removing salt from the soil especially in salt stricken lands which are not usable for agricultural purposes. These trees are also used to make oil which is used as insecticide in different parts of the world.

Characteristics of Eucalyptus:

Most of characteristics in this species of tree are unique in nature. Like, they are single stemmed trees which have a crown. The leaves of almost all the trees from this family are longer in shape and size. The bark, leaves and other parts of these trees are used to make dye. The wood is also used for making musical instruments and pulp wood. Coming towards the hazards of this genus, we can say that falling branches and fire are the two most common hazards of these trees. The oil of these trees is also highly inflammable and it is used in for several chemical purposes. From the break of any bark of these trees, copious sap exudes and for this reason they are also called “Gum Trees”.

Eucalyptus Facts

March 22, 2011 | Imran Jutt | No Comments | 345 views