Extel (exchange telegraph company) is the news agency of United States of America. After its launch in 1872, it was assigned to lay a telegraph cable in the seabed of Atlantic Ocean to connect London and New York. After other similar assignments, this organization appeared as one of the most authentic and accurate news agency in business world for more than 100 years.

Extel introduced Extel cards in 1922 to give a brief description of its business investments, profits and losses, which has played a key role in improvement of management skills in the news business sector. To enhance the business activities and to analyze improvements Extel started to carry out business surveys in 1974 under the supervision of Geoffrey Osmint. The first survey involved more than 150 management and funding organizations. Such economic surveys had played a role in the up lift of American business and market. The company had carried out such surveys until 1987. During the year due to different difficulties in market, the United News papers took its control. In 1991, Extel expanded its business with Agence France Peese and started AFX news service. The service was developed to monitor and provide business news. But, in 2006 its share were sold to Thomson financial and now Extel is working a cooperate and leading trend setter of Business news in America.

March 3, 2011 | einfoadmin | No Comments | 269 views