The hotline is the direct telephone line between heads of government to be used in the times of emergency or when an important security issue is to be discussed. Several hotlines are working in the world to serve as a direct telephone linkup between the heads of states. Some examples of these hotlines are the ones between United States of America and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, the one between India and Pakistan and the one between Palestine and Israel.

The Hotline between White House and Kremlin, known as red telephone was established in 1963 during the period of cold war. According to this agreement, each state will be liable to transfer any important information to other state that is obtained from any outside state. This information is transmitted on the Direct Communication Link. This agreement was further amended by the addition of two more satellite circuits to the hotline. Pakistan and India have also signed an agreement for the hotline to be established between foreign secretaries to avoid any confliction. Similarly, India’s foreign ministers have direct communication links with China through hotlines. It ensures the political trust on both governments. The hotline between China and USA was set up in 2008. This hotline serves as the communication link between military establishments of both countries.

April 7, 2011 | Shero Naqvi | No Comments | 171 views