The official currency of the Republic of Yemen is known as “Riyal”, also spelled as “Rial”. One riyal equals a hundred fills. The ISO (International Standardization Organization) code for Yemeni riyal is “Yer”. The abbreviation for Yemeni riyal is written down as “YRIs”. The banknotes which are currently circulated in the Republic of Yemen include notes of 50 riyals (olive green banknote), 100 riyals (purple banknote), 200 riyals (green banknote), 250 riyals (blue and orange banknote), 500 riyals (blue banknote) and 1000 riyals (pink and green banknote). The conversion factor for Yemeni riyal has 5 significant digits.

Coins began being issued in the Republic of Yemen, representing the Yemeni fills and Yemeni riyals, in 1993. These were coins for 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 fills, as well as for 1, 5, 10 and 20 riyals which were introduced later on. However, today, there is no more circulation of coins for fills. Right after the Yemeni Unification, two types of currency used to exist in the country, namely the “northern riyal” and the “southern dinar”. The circulation of the southern dinar was eliminated in June 1996. Since then, the riyal remains to be the sole currency of the Republic of Yemen.

April 9, 2011 | Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 411 views