The currency of USA is dollar; the ISO code of the USA dollar is USD. The dollar is divided into 100 cents. It is one of the world’s most dominant reserve currencies and is used the most for international transactions. The name has a long history behind it that originates from as long ago as the 16th century; in summary it comes from the German word “thaler”. In slang terms the dollar is also called buck.

The first coins introduced had a lot in common with the Spanish dollar; these circulated in the US alongside the Spanish, US silver dollars, and the Mexican silver peso. In the Dutch New Netherland Colony, the lion’s dollar also circulated. Then finally in 1792, by the Coinage Act, the US dollar was created; when contrasted with the Spanish dollar, the US dollar turned out to be a slight discount in relation. Silver alloy coins and gold alloy coins were introduced in various denominations; this value of the silver of gold was then converted into its worth in the economy for the dollar to be used as a mean of buying and selling goods. The early bank notes or coins did not exhibit faced of presidents, as they do in today’s date; the currency obtained these faces in the early 20th century.

USA Dollar

April 9, 2011 | Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 975 views