Piso is the regulatory currency of Philippines. It is a currency, which has evolved under many political rules. In 1949 they printed their first bank notes. But the coins have existed since 1920s. The economic history of Philippines is very rich. With the passage of time, different amendments have been made in the currency to make it look modern and unique. One unique aspect of Philippine currency is that it once got misprinted, however, the notes were taken back within no time. By 2006, 1 peso was of the same conversion rate as the 1 Dhiram of UAE. Due to this, there were many issues of currency fraud across the country.

Philippine is a country that is located in Southeast Asia. It is also known as Republic of the Philippines. About 300,000 km of land is in the territory of Philippines. Manila is its capital and the motto is For God, People, Nature and Country. It has a population of about 92million. It ranks amongst the 7th populous countries in Asia and 12th in the world. It has a multicultural society. Philippine is a country that has witnessed many highs and lows with its neighbors in history. Presently, it is progressing well in every aspect, especially in trade.

philippines Currency Peso

April 12, 2011 | Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 202 views