Currency of Italy
The current currency of Italy is Euro with ISO code of EUR. It was officially replaced with Lira in 2002 when Euro coins and notes started to be published. In 1999, Euro was announced to be the currency of Italy but cash transactions could not be made as the coins and notes were to be printed after three years. Euro is expressed in terms of two decimals after comma i.e. ₤10,00 (ten Euros). The symbol should not be misunderstood by the single crossed script of pound £. One Euro is divisible into hundred cents.
Euro banknotes are available in different designs and colors. 500 Euros are violet, 200 Euro note is yellowish, 100 being green, 50 Euros orange, 20 are blue, 10 are reddish and 5 are grayish. Coins of Euro currency are available with denominations of 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1. The structure of these coins is also different from each other like higher value coins are bigger in size and 1 cent coin is the smallest of all.
Apart from this currency, several big corporations and banks also accept credit/debit cards as medium of exchange. Other credit facilities available in Italy are Visa and MasterCard, which are widely accepted at national and international level.

Italy Currency Euro