The current currency of Germany is the Euro. German currency has come a long way. However, the Euro has been playing the role of Germany’s currency since 1999 when the Euro was introduced as official currency of 11 countries including Germany. Before Euro Germany’s official currency was Duetsch Mark. The Deutsche Mark means German Money in German language was introduced on the 21st of June, 1948. Soon their currency became a symbol of their economy. Duetsch Mark emerged as second largest component of the world monetary reserves after the US Dollar. However when Euro notes were introduced in 2002, then notes and coins of Duetsch Mark were no more circulated. One Euro is equal to 1.95583 DM. The Deustche Bank the official bank of Germany has confirmed that anyone can exchange Duetsch Mark for Euro.

Germany is among the most developed countries of the world. It developed rapidly after the World War 2. It will be little harsh to think that their policies only helped them to develop because there currency also played an equally important role. Critics and economist and economist believed in 1999 that Germany made a mistake to change their currency to the Euro but the later results showed that it was a smart economic move.

Germany Currency Mark

April 13, 2011 | Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 468 views