Which country is called the land of mountain?
Nepal, officially known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a land locked state, also known as the land of mountains, located in South Asia. Nepal has a mountainous geography, owing to the fact that eight of the worlds ten tallest mountains are here, including Mount Everest, which is the highest peak on this planet. It contains more than 240 peaks over 20, 000 feet above sea level. Geographically it covers an area of 147, 181 square kilometers, and consists of a population of about 27 million. It is the world’s 93rd largest country according to land mass and the 41st most populous country. Located in the Himalayas, it shares a northern border with China, and an eastern, southern, and western one with India. Nepal has three physiographic areas which are divided into: Mountains, Hills, and Terai; these ecological belts of land run from east of Nepal towards west of Nepal, while vertically crossing the rivers flowing from north to south.
The soil in Nepal is fertile and humid, and additionally urbanized. By large the religion practiced here in Hinduism, with a minority of Buddhism historically linked to it. Nepal was ruled by the Shah Dynasty of kings, through a monarchy system; after a Civil War by the communist and several attempts of protesting by political parties led to the collapse of the monarchy and founding of the Federal Multiparty Representative Democratic Republic.

Nepal Mountain View