Riga is the capital Latvia. It is the largest in the Latvia in fact is the largest city among the Baltic States. Riga is also among the oldest city in Northern Europe, It was founded over eight hundred years back in 1801 by Germans. Despite being the largest city its population is fairly low, the total population of 800,000 as of 2011. Latvia is located in Northern Europe. It was under Russian rule before they got independence on 18th November 1918.

As Riga is the old city, it has always been a great attraction for the tourist. The city is filled with tourist throughout the year who comes to witness some historical places in Riga. Riga attracts tourist because of Art Nouveau. Latvian architecture’s were known for Art Nouveau, the applied their skills in Riga City in the late 18th century as a result more than one third of the buildings in Riga were built in this style. Buildings built by the one of the greatest architects of all time Mikhail Eisenstein can also be found in Riga. St Peter’s Church and Dooms Cathedral are the great examples of his skills in Riga and they always had been a great attraction for tourist.


April 5, 2011 | Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 122 views