Largest Countries In Asia By Area
Asia is the biggest or largest continent in the world. There are 47 countries in Asia. Out of these 47 China is the largest country be area. Whereas India is the second largest and Kazakhstan is the third biggest country in Asia. A large part of Russia is included in Asia but it is also situated in Europe, for this reason it is not included in Asian continent otherwise Russia would be the largest country or state in Asia. The total area of Russia is 17,075,400 sq. km. Other top ten 10 largest nations of Asia are given here.
No. | Flags | Country | Area In Sq. Km | Independence Day |
1. |
9,572,900 | October 1, 1949 |
2. |
India | 3,165,596 | August 15, 1947 |
3. |
Kazakhstan | 2,717,300 | December 16, 1991 |
4. |
Saudi Arabia | 2,240,000 | September 20, 1932 |
5. |
Indonesia | 1,919,317 | August 17, 1945 |
6. |
Iran | 1,638,057 | N.A |
7. |
Mongolia | 1,566,500 | January 5, 1946 |
8. |
Pakistan | 7,960,96 | August 14, 1947 |
9. |
Turkey | 7,794,52 | N.A |
10. |
Burma | 676,577 | January 4, 1948 |
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i want strating 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 largest countries located in asia right now