• Confess
  • General Meaning Admit, Disclose, Reveal, Declare, Confirm
    Usage As a verb, the word “confess” refers to the act of disclosing or admitting something that has serious consequences.
  • Antonym 1 Deny
    Meaning 1 Admit
    Sentence 1 At last, the suspect confessed to the murder of hundred innocent children.
  • Antonym 2 Hide
    Meaning 2 Disclose
    Sentence 2 All the family members persuaded her to confess her crime but she was not ready to do so.
  • Antonym 3 Conceal
    Meaning 3 Reveal
    Sentence 3 She easily confessed that she had murdered her husband.


April 15, 2011 | Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 917 views