Athens news agency ANA is an official news organization of republic of Greece. It was founded in 1985 and first it started its work as a private firm as it was owned by Stefanopoli Telegraphic Agency. In 1994, the organizational structure was massively changed and ANA its organizational set up was divided in to seven boards of directors.

This board of directors included three government officials, journalists and employee representatives from ANA, publishers and journalists unions. General Manager heads the organization setup and Ilias Matsikas is the current GM (as of August 2012). The firm has an official staff of more than 250 members, which includes writers, journalist and correspondents. ANA keeps its nation up-to-date about all the news by having the largest network of offices in all major cities of world like Brussels, New York, Istanbul, London, Paris, Vienna and Rome. ANA has a large network of online news systems, which contains more than 300 online services and 60 to 70 among them are English. This agency has a worldwide distribution network and links with more than 100 different news agencies and provides all the information and news of national and international interest. All the print media and electronic media are working under ANA and include more than forty different daily and thirty-two weekly newspapers.

March 3, 2011 | einfoadmin | No Comments | 308 views