In which medium light travels the fastest?
Light travels fastest in Vacuum. The speed of light in vacuum is almost 299,792,458 meters per second, which is 1.0003 times faster than light travelling in air. In different theories and equations of physics, the speed of light is represented by the symbol ācā and the speed of light in vacuum is... readmore
Who Discovered Current Electricity?
Alessandro Volta discovered the Current Electricity. readmore Read More →
What is Reflex Action?
Reflex Action is an activity performed by the peripheral nervous system of human brain in response to certain changes in the environment or the surrounding or by the body itself. It is mostly involuntary and human consent or will is not involved in it. Reflex action is in other words is a counter brain... readmore
What deficiency of vitamin k causes?
Deficiency of vitamin K causes a perfuse flow of blood from wounds. Vitamin k causes the making of clotting on the wounds. Read More →
What causes the increase of white blood cells?
This increase of white blood corpuscles causes leukemia. readmore Read More →
Who discovered the principle of wireless telegraphy?
The principle of wireless telegraphy discovered by Guglielmo Marconi. readmore Read More →