Thursday, September 19, 2024
Right Information At The Right Time

F.Sc Chemistry

What are called those chemical reactions which proceed in both forward and backward direction?

The reactions which proceed in both forward and backward directions under given conditions are called reversible reactions.  Read More →

April 2, 2011 | einfoadmin | No Comments | 75 views

On which depends the oxidizing power of an element?

The oxidizing power of an element depends upon its electrode potential. The electrode potential shows the tendency to give or accept the electrons.  Read More →

| einfoadmin | No Comments | 861 views

What is about redox reaction?

A reaction in which transfer of electrons takes place is called redox reaction.  Read More →

| einfoadmin | No Comments | 255 views

What will be the greater when oxidizing agent is stronger?

The stronger oxidizing agent will have the greater reduction potential.  Read More →

| einfoadmin | No Comments | 38 views

Which is one of the best examples of auto-catalytic reaction?

Auto-catalytic reactions are those in which one of the products of reaction act as a catalyst. In the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate, acetic acid is produced which acts as a catalyst.  Read More →

| einfoadmin | No Comments | 133 views

What states that the Raoult’s law for dilute solution?

When the solution is dilute then the colligative properties are obeyed. For such solutions the relative lowering of vapour pressure is equal to the mole fraction of solute.  Read More →

| einfoadmin | No Comments | 765 views

How two electrons occupying an orbital are distinguished?

When two electrons are present in the same orbital, they should have opposite spins. So spin quantum number distinguishes between two electrons.  Read More →

| einfoadmin | No Comments | 879 views

What relates the first law of thermodynamics?

First law of thermodynamics states that energy can never be created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction. It can only the change the form i.e heat energy, work and enthalpy. So this law gives us the relationship between heat work and enthalpy.  Read More →

| einfoadmin | No Comments | 505 views

What is meant whenever a reaction is exothermic?

For exothermic reactions, the enthalpy of reactants is greater than the enthalpy of products and extra amount of enthalpy is evolved.  Read More →

| einfoadmin | No Comments | 50 views

What is meant whenever a reaction is endothermic?

For endothermic reactions, the enthalpy of the products is greater than enthalpy of reactants. The difference of enthalpy has to be provided to the system.  Read More →

| einfoadmin | No Comments | 175 views
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