Friday, September 20, 2024
Right Information At The Right Time

F.Sc Chemistry

By which cations and anions are held together in crystals?

In the crystal lattice the cations and anions are held together by electrostatic forces of attractions. It means that their outer boundaries touch each other.  Read More →

March 18, 2011 | einfoadmin | No Comments | 843 views

What is the nature of bond in diamond?

The nature of bond in diamond is perfectly covalent.  Read More →

| Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 857 views

What we get when an element of very lower I.E is allowed to react with an element of very high electron affinity?

The element of low I.E need less energy to remove the electron. The element of high E.A accept the electron happily. So a strong ionic bond is formed.  Read More →

| Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 836 views

Why Rutherford’s model of atom failed?

Rutherford’s model is based on the laws of motion gravitation. According to this model, the outermost electrons could not be stationary. If they were, they would gradually be attracted by the nucleus, till they fall into it.But for stable atomic structure the electrons were supposed to be moving... readmore

March 17, 2011 | Afifa Gillani | 1 Comment | 222 views

What are called the orbitals having same energy?

Orbitals having same energy are called degenerate orbitals.  Read More →

| Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 964 views

What is the velocity of photon of light?

The velocity of photon of light is independent of its source. It is a constant parameters just like Plank’s constant.  Read More →

| Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 767 views

What is the mass of neutron?

The mass of neutron is slightly more than that of a proton.  Read More →

| Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 910 views

How many times the mass of neutron is greater than that of mass of electron?

Neutron is heavier than that of electron and is 1840 times greater in mass than the mass of electron.  Read More →

| einfoadmin | No Comments | 235 views

Who established the negative charge on cathode rays?

It was J.J Thomson who established the negative charge on cathode rays by applying electrical field in discharge tube. The cathode rays were bend towards positive plate.  Read More →

| einfoadmin | No Comments | 885 views

Which particle have the same charge as that of electron and 200 times greater in mass?

Meson is a particle which has the charge equal to that of electron and its mass is 200 times greater than that of electron.  Read More →

| einfoadmin | No Comments | 898 views
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