Antonyms of Culminate | Opposite Word of Culminate
Culminate General Meaning Come to a Climax, End Up, Terminate, Conclude Usage The word “culminate” is used as a verb. It refers to the end of something with a particular result. Antonym 1 Start Meaning 1 End Sentence 1 The violence culminated in the killing of innocent citizens. Antonym... readmore
Antonyms of Cryptic | Opposite Word of Cryptic
Cryptic General Meaning Mysterious, Puzzling, Vague, Obscure Usage As an adjective, the word “cryptic” can be used to describe the quality of something that has a hidden meaning and cannot be understood easily. Antonym 1 Clear Meaning 1 Ambiguous Sentence 1 Some animals... readmore
Antonyms of Covert | Opposite Word of Covert
Covert General Meaning Hidden, Undercover, Secret, Private Usage The word “covert” has its usage both as an adjective and a noun. It refers to the quality of something as being secret or hidden. Antonym 1 Public Meaning 1 Secret Sentence 1 The terrorists are carrying out covert... readmore
Antonyms of Convex | Opposite Word of Convex
Convex General Meaning Bulging, Arched, Outcurved, Raised Usage As an adjective, the word “convex” refers to a surface or outline that is shaped as curving out. Antonym 1 Concave Meaning 1 Bulging Sentence 1 There are many convex lenses in our physics laboratory. Antonym... readmore
Antonyms of Convene | Opposite Word of Convene
Convene General Meaning Call, Summon, Gather, Assemble Usage “Convene” belongs to the word class of verbs and is used to describe the act of assembling people for a formal meeting. Antonym 1 Disperse Meaning 1 Assemble Sentence 1 A special session of the parliament was convened... readmore
Antonyms of Contented | Opposite Word of Contented
Contented General Meaning Content, Pleased, Satisfied, Happy Usage The word “contented” is used as an adjective to show the quality of someone as being happy or satisfied with the things or circumstances as they are. Antonym 1 Discontent Meaning 1 Content Sentence 1 After getting... readmore
Antonyms of Conspicuous | Opposite Word of Conspicuous
Conspicuous General Meaning Obvious, Noticeable, Visible, Clear, Apparent Usage As an adjective, the word “conspicuous” can be used to describe the quality of something as being clear and easily noticeable. Antonym 1 Invisible Meaning 1 Visible Sentence 1 The conspicuous lack of... readmore
Antonyms of Conform | Opposite Word of Conform
Conform General Meaning Follow, Adapt, Comply, Obey, Abide By Usage The word “conform” has its usage as a verb. It refers to the act of thinking or behaving in a way as others do in a group. Antonym 1 Depart Meaning 1 Follow Sentence 1 If you do not conform to the traffic rules,... readmore
Antonyms of Confess | Opposite Word of Confess
Confess General Meaning Admit, Disclose, Reveal, Declare, Confirm Usage As a verb, the word “confess” refers to the act of disclosing or admitting something that has serious consequences. Antonym 1 Deny Meaning 1 Admit Sentence 1 At last, the suspect confessed to the murder of hundred... readmore
Antonyms of Condense | Opposite Word of Condense
Condense General Meaning Compress, Contract, Concentrate, Shorten Usage “Condense” belongs to the word class of verbs and is used to describe the act of making something more compact or dense. Antonym 1 Expand Meaning 1 Reduce Sentence 1 She has condensed the soup by boiling it... readmore